Switching Gears

"'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways', declares the LORD." Isaiah 55:8

We will not be proceeding with IVF. Josh and I went for my appointment this morning and found that the one follicle continued to grow, but none of the others did. Dr. W. gave us the option of continuing with the IVF, but called it "a longshot" (really IVF in itself is a longshot, without having it further complicated by only one egg). We talked about it for a few minutes, going over our 3 options:

1. Call it a failure and cancel everything
2. Proceed with the IVF, knowing how unlikely success would be.
3. Switch gears and move to IUI (Intra-Uterine Insemination) instead.

We chose Door #3. :) Don't worry, I'll explain what that means:

IUI is similar to IVF, only instead of harvesting eggs and letting them fertilize in a petri dish and then transferring them back to the womb after they've divided and developed, they let the eggs (or in my case, "egg" singular) come out on their own with the help of a "trigger" shot, and hopefully fertilize in my tubes after an insemination. (I'm so sorry for the graphic nature of this post. I'm uncomfortable writing it, so I can only imagine how you feel reading it. I'm sorry! But I also know if I didn't explain it you'd all be wondering what IUI was.)

IUI isn't as controlled as IVF, so it generally doesn't have the same success rate, but it also isn't as costly (several hundred dollars as opposed to several thousand). Going this route, we'll be able to be refunded some of the money we invested. Had we canceled everything at this point, we would have been refunded more money, but all the medications I've been shooting into my system would have been a waste. Doing IUI, we'll still be able to put to use the meds I've taken thus far.


I am to continue on a slightly lower dose of my normal shot tonight, and then tomorrow night (Tuesday) at 10pm I am to give myself the trigger shot, which will signal my ovary to let go of that one egg. The IUI is scheduled for Wednesday morning at 9am. Pregnancy test two weeks later.

That's really all I know for now. :) I am not devastated. Disappointed? Definitely. A little sad? Sure. But I'm trusting the Lord, knowing that He knew all about this before we ever did, and knowing that He is in control of the outcome, whatever that may be. I'm thankful He hasn't left me and promises that He won't ever leave me. I'm thankful for His comfort and assurance that I can trust Him, even with something I want so badly. God knows what is best for me!

"But He does according to His will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and no one can ward off His hand or say to Him, 'What have You done?'" Daniel 4:35

Thank you ALL for praying! I believe the Lord has answered your prayers; not for egg development, but that I would trust Him and be at peace. Praise Him for that! I would ask that you continue to remember me in prayer especially over the next two weeks as we have the IUI done and then wait those ghastly two weeks on the edge of our seats. Bless you for praying! :)


cj and family said…
We'll keep praying. Blessings.
Ruth said…
I know the "odds" of a pgcy are lower with IUI than IVF, but God is in control and it doesn't matter what the odds are. If He wants you to get pg this month you will, and if He doesn't you won't. It's totally up to HIM not the odds. Regina (who posts on my blog as Tyler and Brianne's mom) had this happen a few years ago where an IVF cycle was converted to IUI and she got pg (Brianne). So it can happen. She was going to convert an IVF cycle to IUI a couple of months ago, but her E2 was so low she wasn't even a candidate for IUI and totally had to cancel. So at least you have the option of IUI which is better than totally cancelling. You'll still be in my prayers. Did the RE say what he would do differently if you try ivf again? Of course I hope that this IUI works, but I wondered if he said what the next step would be if the pgcy test in 2 weeks is bfn. I admit I keep wondering if you'd respond better to Follistim. I'm not a big fan of Bravelle just seeing the difference in my response. I am so glad you are at peace!!!!
Still praying, Jo.

Love you!

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