
Showing posts from June, 2020

Toy Story

Eden is finally able to sit and watch a movie for a while. Usually she prefers to watch the same movie over and over until the rest of us can't stand it anymore and try to find something else for her to watch. Her current favorite is Toy Story. Well, we may have seen that one too many times, because today I caught Seth in full stealth mode, sneaking around the corner of the hallway to his bedroom. "What are you up to, Seth?" I asked. "sshhh," He whispered. "I'm..." He tiptoed some more and then, giving up, reverted back to his normal voice and said, "Oh, Whatever."  He came back into the room where I was. I didn't think he was going to tell me what he had been trying to do, but I assumed it had something to do with Eden, whom I had just laid down for her nap. Then he said, "I was trying to listen to my toys to see if they were talking."