I'm Back

Well, as it usually happens after I've been away from the blog for too long, I have way too much to say and not enough time to say it. So. I guess I just jump in anyway! In no particular order:

The photo of the azaleas was taken in our back yard at Cellar. At least I think they're azaleas. Tell you what, if they're not, just humor me for a minute. Anyway. We've been taking advantage of the beautiful weather to go rake leaves and get the yard in order over there. As I was raking the other day, I happened to look up and see the azalea bush in full bloom! I didn't even know we had an azalea bush--have I mentioned I'm no gardener? I'm excited to see what other flowers may be hiding out ready to surprise me. I **think** I have an overgrown rose bush back there, but I can't be sure. Mom Rowley, where are you?

I know I need to play with Noah more. The other day he ran outside yelling, "Squorr, Squorr!" (Translated, that's "Squirrel, Squirrel!") "You want to PWAY with me???" When the squirrel ran up a tree, Noah came in all dejected and said, "That squorr didn't want to pway with me. Why didn't he want to, Mommy?" I dropped what I was doing and we went and hit wiffle balls to his heart's content. Sometimes you just gotta. :)

We are gearing up to take a trip to Austin, TX next week! We are supposed to leave next Thursday and come back on Monday. I can't remember if I mentioned on here that Josh's mom entered us into a contest and we won! I've never won something like this in my life. Ever. Not even a raffle. Anyway, it is a trip for 2 anywhere we wanted to go in Texas. Technically, we could have arranged to bring Noah along, but thought it would be more fun and less stress for just the two of us to go.


How ON EARTH am I going to leave Noah behind for 5 days????? How will Matt and Jen (our designated babysitters) handle him for that long? He gets up in the morning way before they do, and asks about 5.2 million questions every day. You think I'm joking. The child also never stops moving. I look at Brianne, who is capable of finding a toy and playing with it by herself contentedly for a while and think, "They're never going to make it." You'll make it, right guys? All that to say, I am equal parts excited and dreading our trip.

Stay tuned! There's more to come.


cj and family said…
Wow! 5 days on your own . . . what a special, special time. Enjoy it! And you'll being with Noah all the more when you return. :o)
Ruth said…
Have a great trip!! I think if you can focus on each other then you will find the trip very special. The only time I was separated from Nadia for that long was when I was in the hospital, and that wasn't a bonding experience with my dh like this trip should be for you two. I am sure they are more than capable of taking care of your sweet Noah in your absence. Can't wait to hear about your trip when you get back! :-) I had thought maybe Paul and I would go away for a little vacation for our 10 year anniversary in 2011, but now I am not sure I would enjoy it (due to how much I hated being separated from Nadia in December in the hospital for 11 days). So I'll use your experience to help guide me as to whether I could enjoy a little vacation with just my hubby next year or not. :-)

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