Playpals Hit the Books!

Well, maybe we didn't hit the books, but we descended on the Downtown Library for a morning of fun! I had never been there in the 5 1/2 years we've lived in Jacksonville, and I was in for a treat.

You go up to the second floor of the library and here's what you see:

And it just gets better! You almost forget you're in a library. Mushroom stools, manatee couches, a huge boat, and a circular Crocodile couch...not to mention the outdoor courtyard with a fountain! Noah thought he was in heaven. :) The kids also had the opportunity to make pirate hats, in celebration of National Talk Like A Pirate Day (ARRGGH! did you know that was today, Matey??). We all had so much fun, and were delighted that a new family from church was able to come!


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