Nothing Earthshattering

I have about a dozen blog posts sitting partially written in the no-man's-land of my drafts.  They're not "good" enough for me to post. Not upbeat enough or pithy enough or coherent enough to hit the publish button, and so they sit and I forget all about the events that were going on at the time.  I've been thinking about this fact; that I feel a certain obligation to entertain you or inspire you when I write, to make it worth your while to come read what's on my mind.  The truth is though, that that's not really the point of this blog.  I need to be remembering my daily life so that I can see (even if it's in retrospect) the Lord's working.  I think instead of viewing this blog as a place where I write these really cool Mom Blog posts worthy of re-sharing on Facebook ("Ten Reasons I Gave Myself Permission to Relax" or "Stop Being So Hard on Yourself" or some other such popular mom mantra these days), it needs to be boring sometimes.  It needs to be "Today I did such and such and went here and said that, and God was faithful."  I won't win any awards in the blog world, but I already don't, so what's the big deal?  And so, without further ado, my actual life:

I recently quit going to Facebook.  I had been checking it several times a day, or more if I actually posted something.  I am one of those vain types that likes for people to "like" my posts.  I really like it.  I also compare how many people liked/commented/whatnot my posts with how many people did so on So-and-So's post.  It's an anxiety causer, a humiliation, and a jealousy-causer all wrapped into one time-sucking package.  I had to be stopped.

After reading a book on friendship with the ladies in our church, I was convicted about my (mis)use of Facebook, and I quit.  Except for one pic I had to post of Eden's first Oreo experience, I have stopped posting and checking Facebook.  It has freed up a bit more time and I'm also SO much happier and more content.  I don't get constant reminders that this person's husband is the most thoughtful one EVER, and that this other person is having the time of her life with her husband in Cancun without her kids for a whole week while I have had it up to here with my kids' bickering and would love a vacation.....and other such joy stealers.

We started a new year of school last Monday. Noah is in 5th grade, Seth started VPK at a church 5 minutes from here, and Eden is my constant sidekick.  She naps still in the mornings, thankfully, so we actually have a window of time to accomplish the school day that I am responsible for. I am thankful to have some online/video classes for Noah to take, as that frees me up some from actual teaching.  He is doing distance learning videos for History, Reading, and English, and Math is online with Josh's mom.  That leaves Handwriting and Chemistry/Physics (yikes!) for me to teach.

Today was Saturday.  I made waffles for breakfast, and then did the rest of the laundry that I hadn't finished from yesterday.  Josh took Seth with him to meet a tenant, check on another property, and collect rent from another one.  I kept Noah and Eden here and tried to enforce chores.  Piano practice, lawn mowing, and Math corrections from yesterday.  We had lunch, a pretty uneventful afternoon, and then we went out to Chick-fil-a for dinner.  When Josh and I don't have a babysitter scheduled, Chick-fil-a makes for an almost date because the kids go to the play area after they eat, leaving Josh and me (and Eden) alone to talk for a few minutes.

I'm kind of tired at this point--it's been a long day of trying to get to the bottom of endless arguments, and housework.  I'm thankful I have given myself permission to turn this blog into more of a narrative of what is happening, rather than a place where I feel I have to wax eloquent all the time.  I feel much lighter about it, and hopefully that will mean that I post a whole lot more!


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