5th Grade!

Sometimes I look over at Noah and cannot believe he's 10.  When I cut his hair and I see his shoulders, broader than ever.  He's growing up (this sounds trite) right before my eyes. We began 5th grade last Monday, on the 28th of August.  Fifth. Grade.  Lord, I pray for grace to continue to mold this boy into the man You'd desire him to be!


Ruth said…
I go a few days without checking your blog and now they are 5 new posts! Wow! it's great to hear from you. Mundane posts are fine with me! Many of mine over the years have been very mundane. I am with you that I have quit Facebook - for some of the same reasons as you. #1 takes too much of my time and #2 sometimes can be a landmine emotionally for a variety of reasons. Hope you guys have a great school year! :)

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