
Today I woke up 25 minutes late, which is a problem on a Sunday. (I make it my policy to only set an alarm on weekdays, so that I have 2 days in the week to sleep past 6:15 am.) I somehow got everyone out the door in time for church, but it wasn't pretty.  It seems like our fuses are extra short on Sundays. Maybe it's just us...  It does give me the opportunity to rely on God's grace more, and to confess that we are weak people in need of constant mercy.

We taught junior church and had charge of the nursery (which was just Eden) during the main service, and tonight the ladies started a new Bible study group on the book of Exodus. I think it will be a great study if I can find the time to complete the homework each day.  After church, we took a new guy and his sister out to Wendy's for a little extra fellowship.  They are young (early 20's), originally from Hong Kong, and just getting started here in Jacksonville with new jobs.  We enjoyed getting to know them a little better.  

Josh and I are working at trying to be more hospitable, which quite honestly is a challenge for us.  I don't know if it's our personality types or what, but we both struggle with being willing to be flexible enough to enjoy outside friendships. We value our own schedules probably to a fault, and it is stretching us to ask people over to our house or out to eat.  We both know that we need to do better in this area, and by God's grace are working at it.


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