Family visit!
My sister Lori and her husband Greg came to see us unexpectedly last week! Earlier in the week, Lori emailed me, asking if we would like a visit. They work closely with a group called Church Army, which was trying to help victims of Hurricane Irma. They wanted Greg to come down on a survey trip to help them determine how Church Army could be used to help out. Boots on the ground, that kind of thing. So here they are! Their schedule has not allowed for very much time to visit, but we're thankful for what we can get. I'm so thankful that they were here! It's so rare that my family is able to come down and see us.
Josh, the kids, and I went to an RV exhibition at the Towns Center on Saturday night. Though we arrived after they had closed (oops!), we were still able to view quite a number of RVs. We aren't interested in buying one yet (no place to store it, expensive to maintain, no time to use it, etc), it's my dream to take a month or two off and go tour the country in one. Hopefully one day we will be able to.
Another dream of mine has been to spend more time doing art projects. I actually put it in my prayer journal a few months ago: "time to do things that I enjoy, such as art, blogging, etc." Jehovah Jireh! Giving up facebook and most tv has enabled me to blog, and teaching our co-op art class has enabled me to work on art sometimes. It has been encouraging to see God answer this seemingly inconsequential request.