A Crazy Long Week

Well, since I posted about the lack of damage from Hurricane Irma, Josh has had no less than 5 phone calls about ceilings falling down and failing roofs.  Strangely, they don't necessarily seem like they're tied to the hurricane.  Whatever the cause though, it has meant that Josh is gone more hours during each day so that he can in some cases replace entire roofs.

There's something about your husband being gone over the supper hour when you have small children that makes a day seem really long. (I understand there are tougher circumstances to live through, such as a deployment, but what I said is no less true.)  I usually look forward to Josh being home by 5, so that there's some relief for me during The Witching Hour (any mom of young kids knows what that is; it's the hour you're trying to get supper on the table.  It turns normally mild-mannered kids into whinier, clingier versions of themselves).  And then feeding them dinner all by myself makes me feel like I need a week-long vacation in some deserted place with lots of chocolate and coffee. And no. noise. This kind of a week also drives me to rely on the Lord more, which is not a bad thing.

We got back to our school work, thankfully, on Thursday.  We had taken effectively a week off due to the hurricane, and it felt good to get back to normal.  Seth also was able to go back to his preschool, and that helped as well.

Eden is starting to get into everything! She is pulling up and cruising along the furniture, and I bought her a little push cart toy so that she could walk around holding on to something.  I don't think it will be much longer until she walks on her own.

That's about all I have to say for now.  I like that I can just record random thoughts if I want to.  It's very freeing.


Ruth said…
It's so wonderful to get more frequent updates on what is going on in your life. I love it! Hope that Josh's workload won't stay that heavy for too long. I totally understand about it being draining to not have your hubby home at dinner time. My husband is almost never home for dinner during the week (M-F), and it was a really exhausting transition for me at first. Glad that normally Josh is able to be there for dinner. :) I had this "romantic" view of dinner time prior to having children. I pictured it as this pleasant, peaceful experience but in reality it's often one of the most difficult parts of the day. I can't believe Eden is already getting mobile. Time just flies by!

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