Where Is August Going?

Here we are, almost halfway through August already! I gave the end of the VBS story yesterday; today I'll continue with other updates.

After VBS, we enjoyed a few more days with Mom Rowley while she was still here (staying with Matt and Jen).

On Sunday, Mom Rowley and I sang a duet in church, "Count Your Blessings." When we had been practicing that song the week before, Noah had this Major Meltdown because we were singing "his" song without him. He melted down further when he learned that he wouldn't be singing it in church with us either. I have *never* witnessed such behavior from him over something like this. Since when does a song belong to a person, I wonder? Many tears ensued, and it took us awhile to calm him down (and me for that matter). His fit happened to take place in front of about 15 people, and in my experience, those are the most nightmarish for me to handle. I ended up in tears! Thankfully by Sunday, we had no further issues from the Copyright King (who was in the nursery anyway during the special).

Monday, I went to pick up my niece Esther from the airport. We are her "rescue" from boredom. Ahhh, I can remember boredom in my very distant past. Vaguely. Haven't been bored in a while, though, I can tell you that. Esther is 15, and we thought a couple weeks with us would cure her boredom. :) So I have officially put her to work as my very own Mother's Helper. Noah will render anyone Boredom-Free, guaranteed! Esther has proven to be a big help shopping, and at home too. I'm getting more done these days! So far while she has been here, we have gone to the beach and clothes shopping for a little fun.

Someone remind me to take pictures!!

Wednesday I was able to get a decent haircut with a lady that I would actually go back to! What a blessing!

I'm still on my natural diet. And staying on it for as long as our budget will allow, thank you very much. It's too good to give up. Here's the weird thing; I don't notice that I feel that much better than before, unless I eat something "forbidden." Then I pay. Bigtime. Take a week ago (during VBS) for example. All you women out there should be able to understand a genuine Chocolate Craving when you feel one. Well, I had one. And I caved. I went home after my delicious salad lunch, and scarfed down 3 (three!) Chips Ahoy cookies. I. Felt. Terrible. Tired, nauseous, disgusting. Let me emphasize that pre-this diet I could eat 3 Chips Ahoy cookies in one sitting with no problems. I could do 3 in a sitting 3 times a day if I wanted to, and I wouldn't have noticed. Now I notice. And I won't be doing that again any time soon!

Which should make life interesting, come Monday, as that will be my thirtieth (are you kidding me?) birthday! Who doesn't eat cake on their own birthday? I'll let you know what happens with that. And with the trauma of actually turning 30.

Finally, a prayer request. A very dear family member to me is going through a very difficult time. I don't want to mention too many details on here yet (I've had no permission to do so), but if you would, please pray for her. God knows her story, and she's been heavy on my heart these days.


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