Take A Hike And Other Adventures

I took the time this evening to upload my photos taken thusfar on our Connecticut trip. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous, especially today.

Grampy teaching Noah how to "bow an arrow" (Noah's term).

We took a hike up a mountain. Uncle Joel was kind enough to tote Noah for part of the way.

Josh and Noah on top of the mountain, overlooking the beautiful valley.

The group of us, minus Mom Rowley, who stayed at the bottom of the mountain with
Titus. We didn't think he could walk that far. ;)

Wasn't it just beautiful?

I am always fascinated with the way that God has wired into girls and boys their preferences. Take Brianne for example. She picked flowers for her mommy and all her aunts. All girl...

Noah, on the other hand, picked up a lizard and offered to let us all hold him. Totally boy.

Josh carried Noah part of the way too.

Uncle Joel, always helpful.

The tower at the very top of the mountain.

Today we went to the Yankee Candle store, which is more than just a store. This is Jenna, Daniel, and Noah on the lion outside.

Kings and Queens! Left to right: Brianne, Daniel, David, Noah, and Jenna

There was a gigantic stuffed horse that amazingly held the weight of a child. Tempted though I was, I decided not to try its strength on me. :)

How cool is this amazing pirate ship? Yes, this was all inside the Yankee Candle place.


These robotic figures came to life and sang for us all. The kids loved it! This was just before Noah wandered off...

The kids got to dip their own candles and tint them any color they wanted.

Dipping away

This afternoon I had the privilege of taking a walk with my husband, and then reading a book out on the front porch.
More to come!


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