Insult to Injury

*True Story*

I sat down at the computer, rather excited to blog about this week. I was going to share the photos I took, devise witty little captions for them, and enjoy my all-too-infrequent unloading of thoughts into my blog.

I plugged in the camera, ready to upload the scores (okay, few) pictures I had taken, only to be greeted with this message:

"No images found on device."

Excuse me, what?

You mean I have taken pictures all week long and they're GONE? What mistake is this? I turned on my camera and looked for myself.

"No image"


I can jump up and down about it or I can move on and write anyway.

These two weeks with Esther have absolutely flown by, at least for me. We've been shopping, to the beach, jet ski riding, I've been working, and she's been playing with Noah. I can't tell you how many games of Chutes and Ladders or Candyland have gone down. Countless. I on the other hand, have been able to go to a doctor's appointment by myself, make dinner uninterrupted, wash my laundry and fold it all in the same day, overhaul Noah's toys, plan our trip to CT, try on clothes in a clothing store....

Not that I don't love Noah! But I've been enjoying some of the things that are now considered luxuries. Things like going to the restroom unaccompanied. You know, the little things.

In the news department, we are gearing up for a trip to CT on Monday. Lord-willing, we fly out 15 minutes after Esther does, how convenient is that? The whole family minus Dave is supposed to be there for a reunion of sorts. We are looking forward to a time of relaxation, and Noah is looking forward to the company of kids!

I mentioned a doctor appointment I went to. It was for my yearly physical, which I haven't had since before I was pregnant with Noah. About time, don't you think? Well, it was a little unnerving when the doctor sent me home with an order for a mammogram, after finding some sort of something. I'm not worried, since my mom says these things run in my family, but it was a little ironic to me to be starting mammograms at the age of 30. Oh well, if I must, I must!

Come September, I plan to begin teaching Noah one letter of the alphabet per week. I found a boatload of flashcards and teaching aids at a yard sale recently, and plan to start using those, along with some other ideas to help Noah learn his letters better. He can recognize and name A, B, C, D, E, H, N, O, S and Z. But hopefully he can master the rest, along with what sounds they make soon! I'm planning to introduce one Bible verse a week (beginning with the letter of the week), and do a baking project every week thanks to my Alpha-Bakery Cookbook I've had since I was 10. There are other ideas too, and I'm getting excited about this year's possibilities!

We recently saw the movie, The Blind Side. While I wouldn't call it a Christian film, it was definitely cleaner and more wholesome than most movies made today, and had a good plot.

I'm still working on my reading list for the summer, and hope to be finished by September. I may do a Fall Reading List, since I've enjoyed the extra reading I've been able to do.

I can't believe summer is almost at an end! How about you? Is this year just skating on by for you too?


Ruth said…
Somehow I didn't see this post until today. Anyhow I'll be praying that you get a good report on your mammogram. I figure after b/fing how bad can a mammogram be? I totally know what you mean about loving your child but enjoying some help so you can do other stuff. That sounds heavenly!

We also really liked the movie The Blind Side, even if it was about an Philadelphia Eagles player, lol.

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