Oh Yeah, I Have A Blog!
Remember me? Life has been extremely busy over the last couple of weeks. So busy that, although I would have loved to sit down and blog, time just didn't permit. In fact, it laughed in my face at the mere mention of blogging. So here I am with what seems like weeks worth of news, and I'll just have to jump in.
VBS finished off great. I was so impressed with how the teens that came from Connecticut to help out were so willing to, well, help! They embodied "initiative" which is so refreshing in a world where few people have any. They really did their best to serve in whatever way they were needed, and I know we couldn't have run our first VBS without them.
Each morning we had more and more children come, which was a direct answer to prayer! Noah invited two of our neighbor kids, who were able to make it. They both had a great time and now I'm praying for more opportunities to expose them to the gospel. Here are a few more pics from that week:

Little Egyptians. They made each part of their outfits in craft time throughout the week, and on Friday they put them on.

Noah in his Egyptian costume. Notice the bandaid on his chin. Read that story below.

VBS finished off great. I was so impressed with how the teens that came from Connecticut to help out were so willing to, well, help! They embodied "initiative" which is so refreshing in a world where few people have any. They really did their best to serve in whatever way they were needed, and I know we couldn't have run our first VBS without them.
Each morning we had more and more children come, which was a direct answer to prayer! Noah invited two of our neighbor kids, who were able to make it. They both had a great time and now I'm praying for more opportunities to expose them to the gospel. Here are a few more pics from that week:
Matt Harper (my brother-in-law) leading the welcome time
Julie (from CT) leading a game. Poor things. It was about 97 degrees that day and everyone was melting.
Little Egyptians. They made each part of their outfits in craft time throughout the week, and on Friday they put them on.
Noah in his Egyptian costume. Notice the bandaid on his chin. Read that story below.
On Thursday of VBS, we went across the street to pick up one of our neighbor children. We were just turning around to leave when Noah slipped and fell flat on his chin on the neighbor's brick steps. I brushed him off as best I could and made our exit, carrying a weeping Noah home on my shoulder, with the little neighbor girl trailing along. I happened to look down to see blood dripping down my arm from Noah's chin. Perfect timing, don't you think? I ran inside to get a washcloth, and dabbed his chin a little bit. The cut was about 1/2 an inch long, 1/4 inch wide. I gave Noah the washcloth to hold on there and we jumped in the car to leave for VBS, since we were just going to make it on time.
Once the folks at VBS saw Noah, I began to get opposite opinions....
Once the folks at VBS saw Noah, I began to get opposite opinions....
"He'll be fine."
"I think he needs stitches."
"It'll scar, but that'll make him look more rugged."
"You should take him to the doctor."
"I fell on my chin like that once and look how I turned out!" (no comment). :)
So I was faced with a decision: Go to the doctor or no? The bleeding had pretty much stopped, and we located a bandaid and some Neosporin. I told Noah we'd probably have to go to the doctor (remember, VBS is now starting. Kids are singing all the fun songs with the hand motions, etc etc), and he melted down. Are you kidding? Go to the doctor when there are all these kids here at VBS???
So I decided to go with the "He'll be fine" opinion. Now, one week later, there's still a scab under Noah's chin. It's healing well, and we'll just have to see what kind of rugged, manly scar he's left with.
You do your best, you know?
"I fell on my chin like that once and look how I turned out!" (no comment). :)
So I was faced with a decision: Go to the doctor or no? The bleeding had pretty much stopped, and we located a bandaid and some Neosporin. I told Noah we'd probably have to go to the doctor (remember, VBS is now starting. Kids are singing all the fun songs with the hand motions, etc etc), and he melted down. Are you kidding? Go to the doctor when there are all these kids here at VBS???
So I decided to go with the "He'll be fine" opinion. Now, one week later, there's still a scab under Noah's chin. It's healing well, and we'll just have to see what kind of rugged, manly scar he's left with.
You do your best, you know?