You've Got Mail!
Remember how it felt as a kid to receive a letter addressed solely to YOU? The thrill of tearing open that letter always gave me a thrill of jubilant importance. This letter. For ME!
I was able to witness Noah express that same excitement when we opened the mail yesterday and discovered a letter from his "cousin" Samuel. (If he's my niece's child, how is he related to Noah? Any takers?) Inside was a dictated note, and an original painting by Samuel himself. :) Noah was so SO happy! He kept saying "Thank you, Samuel for sending me that letter!" as if Samuel could actually hear him.
Thank you, Marisa, for helping Samuel accomplish something so simple, yet so meaningful! And thank you Samuel for sending Noah a letter! Keep your eyes open for one of your own.
Snail mail is such a treat in this day of computers and junk mail. Who can you bless with a letter?