Summer 2010 Reading List
I have decided to quit making excuses as to why I don't have time to read and just DO it! Since deciding this, I have made time to read 2 or 3 books! Ok, so it's taken me a few months to plod through them, but still, that's better than nothing.
(And I must pause to interject that I do read a lot, but for the last few years my repertoire has been limited to books like The Best Nest, Are You My Mother?, Corduroy, and The Little Engine That Could, to name a few.)
So here goes:
My Summer 2010 Reading List
(And I must pause to interject that I do read a lot, but for the last few years my repertoire has been limited to books like The Best Nest, Are You My Mother?, Corduroy, and The Little Engine That Could, to name a few.)
So here goes:
My Summer 2010 Reading List
- Shepherding A Child's Heart, by Tedd Tripp (finished it yesterday)
- The Hiding Place, by Corrie ten Boom (currently reading)
- For Women Only, by Shaunti Feldhahn
- God Is More Than Enough, by Jim Berg
- On Becoming Childwise, by Gary Ezzo
- The Great Physician's Rx for Women's Health, by Jordan & Nicki Rubin
- Broke, USA: How the Working Poor Became Big Business, by Gary Rivlin (this one came in the mail for Josh, and the cover intrigues me. Totally not one that I would normally read, but I'm going to try it.)
Ambitious list? Absolutely.
Worth the challenge? Definitely.
I'd love to hear what you are reading this summer!