You may or may not notice some slight changes in how my blog looks. I tweaked it some, and will have to see if the changes are something I want to keep or go back to the old look, or do something entirely different. But, no, your eyes are not playing tricks on you; I've changed the way the blog looks. :)
This morning Jen and I took our kids and met Jean (a lady from church) at her neighborhood pool. I haven't been swimming in an actual pool in quite some time, and I had missed it! Pool swimming is so much different from ocean swimming: the pool's clear water, no salty water threatning to gag you should you accidentally swallow a mouthful, the predictability of the waveless water, knowing that you're not at any moment in danger of stepping on some unsuspecting crab who will then pinch your foot with every ounce of strength it has.... (Yes, it's happened! To me. I will never forget it.)
Pool swimming is SO for me.
I think Noah has only been in a pool a couple times before, and I doubt he remembers any of it. Today at first he was about as lily-livered as I've seen him. He wrapped his legs and arms around me vise-like and wouldn't let me go. Even with the swimmies on! Ah yes, those neon inflatable biceps that make it possible for kids to "swim". Where would we be without them? It took Noah about 45 minutes to be comfortable enough to try to stay afloat without using me as a buoy, and once he did, he was jumping in the water and trying to swim on his own. Good thing, because I was about to think he would have a permanent fear of water (he's afraid of the ocean too). Probably one thing that helped was seeing how fearless Brianne was in the water. Cousins are great for a little encouragement and competition! We all enjoyed ourselves in the water, and hopefully will get to do it again sometime.
On another note under the title of "refreshment," it has been, well, refreshing, to see what the Lord has been doing in my own heart over the last few days or so. I'm watching God take my broken and artificial attempts at being content and transform them into the real thing with no change in my circumstances, only a change in perspective. I haven't arrived. I can't yet say with Paul that "I have learned in whatever state I am, therewith to be content."
But, praise the Lord, I'm learning!