Sitting Through Church

Some of my earliest childhood memories include me, sitting in the church pew with my mom. Sitting very, very still. If I did not sit still, I risked The Look; or worse yet, The Knee Squeeze. These memories came flooding back to me last night at church as we tried everything in our parenting arsenal to make Noah sit still.

Let me back up:

Pastor Matt and Jen went out of town this week, so we met for church at the Geisenburgs' home. Sometime late yesterday afternoon, I realized with a cold jolt that this would mean no childcare for Noah during the service. (Our current arrangements are with a neighbor across the street from Matt and Jen who graciously offered to keep our children for us on Wednesday nights during church. Kellie has been a blessing beyond blessings!)

Last evening, after pointing out our childcare dilemma to Josh, we decided we would keep Noah in the service with us for as long as possible, and if things got Really Bad, Josh would take Noah away to Lowes or Home Depot until the service was over.

Upon arriving at the Geisenburgs, I began prepping Noah for what was to come. "You will need to sit very still and not talk. We may sing some songs, and you can sing along, but when Daddy or Mommy is sitting still, you need to sit still." Etc Etc all the way up to the front door. We went in and scoped out the back row. Actually, we made a back row when we discovered that the real one had already been claimed. Hey, you do what you need to for survival!

It wasn't until after the singing time that things really started to get painful. I am firmly convinced that one of the hardest things for Noah to do is to sit still. And only slightly more difficult is Not Talking. This is a guy who can't go more than 30 seconds without saying something. But I'm here to tell you that somehow, someway, through the Lord's grace, and about 15 Knee Squeezes later, WE MADE IT!!! An hour and 15 minutes had passed, and Noah managed--barely--to sit through it all. (At one point, I whispered, "You're doing pretty well, but you need to sit still for a few more minutes", and Noah whined as quietly as he could muster, "It's so hard!" My heart went out to the little guy.)

The other blessing of the night was that Josh and I were able to actually pay attention to an excellent message given by Mr. Bradley.

Good job, Noah for making it through a service! Thank the Lord we were able to pay attention and keep Noah with us, which is an apparent contradiction in terms.

My hope and prayer is that by the time he's 3 he can do this with fewer knee squeezes. :)


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