We're Moving....In 3 1/2 Weeks!!!

What we thought would be a move to our new house on Cellar Circle "sooner or later" turned quickly into "sooner" yesterday. It turns out we need to be out of our current house by November 19, so we are shooting for November 17th as Moving Day.

I don't know if you've seen the recent pictures of Cellar Cir, but this is about what the house looks like at the present time. EEEEEEKKK!!! We have a LOT of work to do, not to mention an entire house to sort and pack up.

I better get busy!!!


cj and family said…
Will be praying for you! I do have some idea of how overwhelmed you must be feeling right at the moment considering that we were THERE this spring. :o} Stay in the Word! You can NOT do it in your own strength. (I could have used that reminder ...) Keep us updated on progress ... :o)
Carrie said…
Does that mean your house sold? If so that's great, did you get a good price?
Melanie said…
Oh my. I will be praying for you!!!! Wish I could be there to help you!!!!! Want to ship Noah up for for the next 3 weeks? We'll take him! :) For real! :)


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