Waiting For Fall
Autumn officially began at the end of September, but it's still very much summer here. I was hoping last week's low humidity was the start of Fall, but no. Hot seems to be on the menu for this whole week. Somewhere, someone must be picking a pumpkin and enjoying fall colors, right?
A few of us ladies from church went shopping together yesterday, just to get out and show the town to a new lady that has been coming recently. We had a great time unveiling to her the joys of Ross (have you ever been to a Ross store?) and then going to a Christian book store for a while. The photo above is of Noah and Brianne in the bookstore as we were trying to keep them occupied and their hands off of all the breakables in the store.
This week I have lost my motivation somehow. I had been keeping up with my house and other projects so well and then this week all I have wanted to do is sit in front of the computer or lay down and take a nap! I've given in to these temptations more than I care to admit, but hopefully I can work through it and spark some "get up and go" soon.
This weekend through next weekend should be pretty busy for us. We have a church bike ride and picnic on Saturday (hopefully it won't be as beastly out as it has been. Perhaps? Maybe?), a ladies' meeting on Tuesday--of which I am in charge of the Craft Time, and next weekend we will be having company come through and staying the night. Needless to say, I better drum up some inspiration to GET MOVING or next week will be a disaster! :)
That's all. This was a pretty low-key post, but some days are just like that, y'know?
Hope you're having a fantastic day!