Deals and Steals
**I have to warn any of you who think you may want to get started with couponing and/or yard sales that they are highly addicting! You will fall in love with the adrenaline rush of knowing you are paying pennies on the dollar when you used to pay dollars. Proceed with caution!**
I have been itching to sit down and post this blog ALL WEEKEND!!! Friday I went to Publix on a couponing run and got (I think) some GREAT deals, and then I went to some yard sales on Saturday and again found bargains. This was a rather busy weekend; we had a church picnic on Saturday (post about that to follow), and then on Sunday afternoon I went to Victory to see Pastor Masitto be installed as their new pastor, so I was in church almost the whole day. But now Noah is taking a nap and it's finally time to share my deals with you!! Half the fun is telling people. :)
Here's what I found at Publix on Friday:
And I got all this for $21.54!!!
In case you can't see the photo well, this includes:
- 6 boxes of cereal
- 2 canisters of disinfecting wipes
- 2 boxes of pasta
- 2 containers of chicken broth
- 1 gallon of milk
- 4 cans of diced tomatoes
- 1 bottle of grape juice
- 2 bottles of ranch dressing
- 2 boxes of yogurt, 4 packs each
- 2 bags of Halls cough drops
My mom can remember a time when she could feed a family of four for $25 a week. We're not quite at that point, but this isn't too bad for today's dollars!
And here's what I got at the yard sales on Saturday:![](
I paid $6.25 for all you see here. :)
- 2 pairs of shoes (one of which are Clarks brand and in great condition!)
- 1 Nike running jersey
- 1 beige sweater
- a rolling pin
- 5 children's books
- 1 bucket of toy army guys
- a Gumby-like dinosaur (which promptly went in the trash as soon as Noah wasn't watching. It was free, but I noticed later had been chewed by a dog. Noah hasn't missed it.)
- Candyland
- a stuffed monkey in pristine condition that Noah could not part with, whom he's named "Curry George" (Curious George), and has slept with since bringing him home. I'll spend 50 cents like that all day long!
I love saving money!!! I think it's my new hobby. :)