Unless the Lord Build the House...

Just wanted to show my "face" around here so you all wouldn't think I forgot about this blog. I've been so busy lately with the move and the renovation at the other house....but I didn't stop in to talk about that!

I wanted to talk about the importance of staying focused on the Lord in the middle of a huge upheaval like the one we're going through right now. One of my regular readers, Jenny, commented on one of my posts not long ago reminding me to stay in God's Word through this whole process and not neglect my time with the Lord.

Jenny, I stopped in to say You're RIGHT!! I did end up neglecting (short-changing would be a better way to describe it) my time with the Lord, because I didn't think I had time. And I suffered. My fuse was short, and I was becoming snappy and selfish. Those aren't good character qualities in anyone, but especially not in someone who has so much going on and needs to be Spirit-filled! It's in times like these that I need the Lord more, not less, whether I think I have time for Him or not. There's no peace without God, and trying to live the Christian life while running on spiritual fumes is futile and senseless.

"Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it..." Ps 127:1

I probably took that verse out of context, but it popped into my mind as I wrote this post. I think it fits! Yes, we are literally trying to build a house, but we're also trying to be spiritual people, and trying to do either without God's help is frustrating to say the least.

What have you been trying to muscle through in your own strength lately? Turn it over to Him and find peace and rest for your soul. Don't be like me, and start getting snappy with those you love before you realize you might need a little help from the Lord! :)


cj and family said…
Isn't the Lord good? He makes us keenly aware of the source of our problem--we could just go on and blame it on the people we're snapping at or the stress of life or whatever, but no..the Lord always makes it painfully clear to our conscience that it's Him we've negelected. Praise the Lord! And He never snubs us for having negelected Him--He welcomes back with open arms! :o) What a blessing! We'll keep praying! :o) And thanks for sharing the reminder back again--I've needed it for myself in recent days! :o)

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