October Ladies' Meeting
Last night we had our second Ladies' Fellowship meeting at our house. Again, the Lord brought us 7 ladies, though 5 had been to the last one and 2 were new this time (2 from the previous meeting didn't come).
We discussed the first two chapters of God's Portrait of a Beautiful Woman by Dorothy Davis, which is really a great study so far. The chapter on trials (chapter 2) was a real blessing to me, reminding me once again that the Lord's plan is best. It seems I need that truth hammered into me at least once a week! I am very "prone to wander! Lord, I feel it!" After our discussion, we enjoyed some refreshments that various ladies had brought, and then we made our first craft together: a magnet for our refrigerators. Go to Jen's blog here if you want to see a finished picture of that.
I find I just really enjoy ladies' fellowships. There's such a different dynamic that I notice when it's just ladies together. Of course, having my husband take Noah away for the evening for me so I can actually have a complete conversation is part of the blessing. I'm looking forward to next month's fellowship at Laura's house!