The Potty Train
We seem to have good days and bad days with potty training. Some days Noah will go every time I take him, others he doesn't go at all when I take him, and then proceeds to use his diaper right after I get it back on. :( M&Ms help motivate him sometimes, other times not. I could get better about taking him consistently, I know. I've just been taking him to the potty right before his nap and afterward, and before his bath and before bedtime. I don't think I'm quite ready for the time investment of taking him every half hour whether he needs it or not. Maybe that's what it takes? I'd love some helpful comments from you experienced Potty Trainers (especially moms of boys)!
Here is Hope Feliciano's advice that she gave me. I never tried it all the way, but what I did worked, I think. :) How's that for committal? Leave their diaper off for a few days. When they start to go, SCREAM "NO!!! NO!!! STOP!!!! YUCK!!! ETC." That should make them stop in their tracks, and then you take them to the potty to finish. It didn't work for David, because he couldn't stop it once it started! :) He stuck his hand in front of his peepee and it sprayed everywhere. :) You could use this method somewhat... by doing it outside (in your fenced in backyard). The other key ingredient is to pump the fluids while you are doing this. Give them Soda, juice, milk, whatever they love and have them drink and drink. Then, maybe they will get it a little better. Hope said this worked for her kids and so did Kathy Amadason. Me? Well, I just waited, seeing as I had 3 kids in diapers all at once! I tried, but it didn't work, so I went back to diapers. David was just turning 3 when he stopped wearing them and so was Daniel. Jenna was a little over 2. But they say girls are easier. :) Well, I hope you get some ideas from this!