IVF Consultation

**If you are a male reading this, it may be full of female words that you're squeamish about hearing or reading. Consider yourself warned.**

Josh and I went in today for an appointment with the infertility doctor who did our IVF over two years ago (anyone else having a hard time believing it's been that long?). We wanted to see what he would recommend as far as our next step: should we wait longer, have another laparoscopy (surgery to remove endometriosis), start IVF right away, go on hormone treatment for endo suppression... you get the idea.

Dr. W. talked with us for a while and then decided to do an impromptu ultrasound to see what condition my ovaries are in. Note to self: Always Be Prepared For The Possibility Of Having To Undress At The Doctor's Office (I had some anxiety about my dorky socks, which I didn't quite know what to do with. Take them off? Leave them on? Roll them down? It was a very awkward and vulnerable moment. *Shudders*)

ANYWAY, there was good news in that the cysts that were on my ovaries~2 large ones on my right ovary, and 1 small one on my left ovary~haven't changed much if at all! Praise the Lord. Had they gotten bigger, he would have recommended a laparoscopy to try to remove them before we do IVF.

Since my ovaries look about the same as they did 2 years ago, Dr. W. suggested we proceed as soon as possible with the IVF. If we did this, it would mean beginning as soon as this weekend with the whole protocol. Josh isn't quite ready to jump in, and would like to give it another month with the hope that we can save the $$ if we are successful on our own. Perhaps my faith is small, but personally I don't think another month will help. But as Josh pointed out, one month shouldn't make much difference either way.

SO! Lord-willing, we plan to wait one month and then start the process of IVF. It begins with a month of taking a birth control pill to stabilize my hormones and cycle, and then setting up all the appointments. Stay tuned! I plan to update on here as I have news to share.

And as always, I appreciate your prayers on our behalf as we try to grow our family!


Carrie said…
I will be praying for you - as I so often do. How exciting!
Rachel said…
Yay! I'll be praying!
Ruth said…
Glad to hear that your situation hasn't gotten any worse in the last 2+ years. Since you don't need a lap AND since you're waiting one month, I think we might end up being cycle buddies this time around as we're getting started on March 12. :-) Oh and as far as the socks go - I always leave mine on - whether that looks dorky or not I want warm feet plus I don't want to stand on their floor with bare feet!
Natasha said…
Oh my gosh, how exciting Joanna!!! We'll be sending prayers, good vibes, positive thoughts, and doing pregnancy dances .. the whole nine yards!!!! BTW, I totally feel ya on the whole sock thing.. how awkward! :) You had me laughing out loud! GOOD LUCK!!! Keep us posted!

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