The Blessing of Answered Prayer

Today Jen came over in the afternoon so we could make cards together. While I was sitting there trying to be inspired about the floundering card design I had in front of me, the Lord spoke to my heart about the whole dog scenario of the past week. It was as if He suddenly turned on the light and I saw an answered prayer bright as day, blinking at me in the brightness. I'd not seen it quite that way before...

Earlier in the week, I had prayed specifically that the Lord would allow Josh and me to have complete agreement over the dog. That either Josh would decide that a dog was the last thing we needed, or that I would see that having a dog would add to our lives, AND that neither of us would come away with hard feelings or a struggle to maintain a good attitude. I prayed for complete agreement. (In the back of my mind I assumed that we would be keeping the dog, and that I would have a serious attitude adjustment ahead of me.) What a small view of God I had!

Fast forward to this morning, about 6:40am when the dog had just left his little "deposit" on my carpet. In the blaze of anger I felt as I shooed the dog out the back door and stormed off to grab the Resolve and a heap of paper towels, it never ocurred to me that this was my answer to prayer! I believe God knew that it would take something monumental, something this gross to finalize the decision and make it unanimous for us. Before "it" happened there was still a list of Pros and Cons being weighed out on a balance sheet in our minds. After? Well, afterward the only question left was "How soon can we get rid of this dog?" Complete agreement. No discussion. No hurt feelings. No bottled-up bad attitude for either of us.

So the very moment I was wishing I could rewind and pretend it never happened, was exactly what the Lord used to answer my prayer. What a blessing!

I never did come up with a great card design, but I remembered what a great God I have~who loves me and cares about me and answers my prayers. Praise the Lord. :)


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