February Cold

Well, Noah is sick. Wednesday he woke up with a fever of 101.4 and it only got higher, until by evening it was 103.2. He acted fine all day; no real sickness shown, so I thought maybe he was teething.

Saturday and today have been a different story. His fever is gone but he's left with a horrible cold. His nose has a constant drip, so I'm constantly wiping his "mess". He actually says, "A Mess!" when his nose runs. :) He's coughing, eyes are red, he's fussy, clingy, and just miserable.

If you can, would you pray that Josh and I stay healthy? If I end up with what Noah has, I don't know what I'll do; I can't lay on the couch all day with an active little boy. But I'm not going to worry about that now. For now I'm going to pray that the Lord heals Noah quickly and keeps the rest of us healthy.

I will say I am so thankful for our general good health. Noah is 19 months old and this is only the 2nd cold he's had in his life! That's such a blessing from the Lord!!


Ruth said…
Sorry to hear Noah isn't feeling well. I hope he gets better soon and that you & Josh don't catch it.

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