This Too Shall Pass

It all started with a penny. A simple penny that we think Noah swallowed on Thursday night at the mall. We're not exactly sure he swallowed it, because we didn't actually witness it, but here are the facts:

1. There were 2 pennies within Noah's reach (stupid on our part, granted, but nonetheless...).
2. We looked away for the briefest second.
3. When we looked back, there was one penny.
4. Josh fished around in Noah's mouth.
5. Noah coughed and gagged.
6. No penny.

So, did he swallow it or not? All the sites online said if he did it *should* pass in a day or two and to keep our eyes out for it (guess where?). There haven't been any pennies appearing in Noah's diaper, and believe me I LOOKED.

The thing is, all day yesterday and twice today he's had diarrhea. Is this related? Does he have a bug? Is the fact that he's teething causing this? Was it the birthday cake? I DON'T KNOW!!! I called the doctor yesterday after Disgusting Diaper #8 and they didn't seem too worried. Lots of fluids. No dairy. It should "pass" (their words, not mine) in a day or two. Come in if he's still symptomatic on Wednesday.

So we wait. He has a well-baby check up on Thursday, and I'll be sure to mention all of the above when I go. In the meantime I'm praying that IF a penny was swallowed, it will turn up shortly.


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