Eventful Dinnertime

Being the kind soul that he is, Noah decided to share his cold with me! Thanks but no thanks. :) Around lunchtime I started noticing that I was not feeling well and it has just snowballed all day to where now the pair of us are quite the sight! Tissues, tissues everywhere! I think one of the worst features a cold has to offer is the perpetual mental fog it puts me in. Brain function slows waaayyy down and I just feel like one big nose walking around. Anyway....

The real reason I sat down to blog was the events that happened at dinner. Or rather, just before. Picture it: I had pork chops on the grill, and was finishing up the macaroni and cheese (Velveeta, Noah's favorite!! I figured since we were feeling poorly we might as well have some comfort food) when I heard a loud ceramic-sounding CRASH. Simultaneously Noah started WAILING. I turned around to see one of my corningware baking dishes shattered into about a zillion pieces with Noah laying on top of the mess. I picked him up and started to comfort him ("It's okay, Noah. It's just a dish! Did that noise scare you? It's okay!), but he wasn't settling. I carefully looked at his face, since sometimes he bites his lip or hits his gums when he falls, but they looked fine.

Then I saw his hand, which was dripping blood all over my shirt and the floor! Oh. No. I ran his hand under cold water. As soon as I took it out from the water it would start gushing again. And of course he didn't want me to touch anywhere near it. Realizing this was a job for more than one person (can you imagine trying to hold him still while cleansing the cut with alcohol, then bandaging it?)~ I needed at least 4 hands~ I grabbed a handful of paper towel and wrapped his hand in it, grabbed some gauze and alcohol and ran us both next door to the neighbor's house. Dogs barking galore, but no one came to the door. Ran to the other neighbor's house, and again no answer. I said a quick prayer, "Lord, You're going to have to help me do it myself!" and went back to our own house. I got back to the sink with Noah and uncovered the cut. It had stopped bleeding for the moment! Praise the Lord! As long as it was gushing blood I would have definitely needed another person, but the Lord was gracious and helped it to stop bleeding so I could do it myself.

After it was all bandaged and the blood cleaned up, I put Noah in his chair so he could have some dinner. Dinner. Oh, right! The pork chops were on the grill the whole time! I shrieked and ran out to find our dinner now burned to a crisp beyond recognition. I decided to just have hot dogs with the macaroni and cheese, but to go ahead and feed Noah the macaroni now. I went back in to find the macaroni cold and congealed, so I put it in the microwave to heat it up. Can you guess what happened next?

I gave Noah some macaroni, and it was so hot it burned his mouth. He started wailing again! I. Give. Up. At least that's how I felt. :) After that he didn't want much more macaroni, so the two of us split a peach, which was the best peach I've had in a year! Thankfully!

I was SO GLAD when Josh came home and poured some sanity over the whole ordeal. :) Below I included a few pictures of our adventures!
The broken dish that started it all

Our burned dinner
Noah eating macaroni one-handed

Another shot of his bandaged hand


Ruth said…
Yikes! That was quite a string of events!!! I hope both you and Noah are feeling better soon!
Carrie said…
poor guy..and poor you, we were down your way this morning. I always think of you when I am..good thing I didn't stop in (or maybe I should have) I hope you guys get better soon. We had 6 last night out to make cards and scrapbook. Hope to see you Sunday.

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