I've Been Tagged!

This means a friend with a blog (Ruth in this case) wants me to list 6 Random Facts about myself. I'm supposed to tag 6 other people, but really, all the people I know who have blogs have probably already been "tagged" themselves, so I'm just going to stop the cycle right here! :) I guess this segues nicely into Fact #1:

1. I am always the person that breaks any sort of Chain Letter. Chain recipe swaps, chain tea-towel swaps, anything where you have to Add Your Name To A List And Forward To A Bunch Of People And You Will Receive 88 Whatevers Back. Please. Don't send them to me! I'll save you the trouble: I have never participated in such things. :)

2. I like my milk Freezing Cold. I believe this to be a carry-over from a day care I went to which always had the milk on the table waiting for us when we got there, and was warm by the time I drank it. Gross! So nowadays, that milk has got to be icy cold or it gags me. Seriously, I put ice in my cereal to keep the milk cold!

3. I hate talking on the phone. I'd much rather talk to the person face-to-face or email. Phones scare me, and I always get nervous. My face turns red and I run out of things to say.

4. I am the kind of person who will hear a joke or something funny and still be laughing about it 5 minutes later after everyone else has moved on. If you are this type of person too, you know the strange looks you get when you are still giggling uncontrollably. :)

5. I can make a sound exactly like one of those squeezy-bike-horns. It delights children to no end, especially if I push on their nose and make the sound at the same time.

6. I have a bad habit of cracking my knuckles. Toes, fingers, wrists, doesn't matter. There's a satisfying pop that feels so good. This is terrible for my joints (I Know!!) but for the life of me I can't seem to stop. So if you catch me at it, please tell me to Quit It. :)

There. I hope I've entertained you all. :)


Ruth said…
I'm not a big phone person either. My aversion isn't as strong as yours sounds like it is, but I RARELY call anyone to chat on the phone. However if someone calls me I can chat a long time... weird, eh? I used to pop my knuckles (just fingers) as a child but I haven't done it in years. I always throw away those chain letters as well and disregard the emails that say xyz will happen to you if you forward this to x number of people. Yeah right, LOL! If I really like the email and WANT to forward it then I delete that part of the email before I send it. Finally, I think you are the first person I've ever heard of who puts ice in his/her cereal. LOL that is unique! My milk thing would be that I ONLY have milk in cereal - I never drink it by itself unless it's chocolate milk. I think that's bc as a child I couldn't have milk - my mom put coffee rich (nondairy creamer) in my cereal. Milk just isn't as good as creamer, LOL! I wasn't lactose intolerant but had an allergy (would have an asthma attack if I ate pizza or ice cream or drank milk). Thank goodness years of weekly allergy shots mean I can know have milk as I love pizza and ice cream!!!
Carrie said…
I'm really looking forward to hearing your horn sound...never heard thath one before.

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