They're Smarter Than We Think

My mom always told me that babies and children are smarter than we give them credit for. I believed her when she told me, but now I really believe her. :) Sometimes I am astounded at what Noah understands when I don't think he will. Some examples:

I made the comment that something was in the garage the other day, and Noah made a beeline for the garage door and stood there expectantly staring at me!

Today I said, "Mommy has to go get the mail. Do you want to come?" Noah headed straight for the front door and tried to open it.

If he can manage to get his hands on the remote controls (we usually make every effort to keep them out of reach), he points them at the TV and presses buttons.

I know these aren't examples of Rocket Scientist Behavior (ha ha Josh), but definitely he's smarter than I'm giving him credit for! Makes me wonder if I should be a little firmer about what I expect. If he can understand the above things, surely he could start putting his toys away! We'll have to start doing that...

The pictures today are from a recent breakfast time. Noah is working on being able to use a fork and spoon. He was VERY proud of himself when he managed to get a Cheerio and a raisin on his fork and navigate them successfully to his mouth.
I'm also in the process of weaning Noah. We're down to just 2 feedings a day, and he seems to be adjusting just fine! I'm a little sentimental though, as this is the last link to babyhood, and we should be all through by the end of August. My little baby isn't a baby anymore! It's hard for me to let that go, since we aren't certain we'll ever be able to have another baby. I'm trying to savor every special moment.


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