One Year Check-up (and shots)

I found this (crumpled) page with Noah's footprints done at the hospital when he was born, and thought it would be neat to do an update now at one year old. The right footprint is a little darker and fatter than it should be because Noah stumbled a little while we were doing it.

I think the doctor's scale is broken or SOMETHING! It said Noah weighs 23.1 lbs. Whatever! He's gotta be at least 28-30!! At least that's how heavy he feels to me when my arms are full and he's wiggling to get down. :) He's 30 1/2 inches tall and, if his weight is really accurate, he's well into the normal range for a baby his age. Phew! When he came into this world so big, I thought he'd be big his whole life. I pictured people assuming he was 5 when he was only 2 or something silly like that. I'm glad to know he's in the normal ranges and not in the 99th percentile anymore. :)
Oh, and by the way, the screaming you may have heard this morning from your far corner of the world was Noah getting his shots. (wink) You'd have thought we were cutting his legs off, not immunizing him! He was Highly Offended and let me know that. But in some ways I think the shots hurt me more than they hurt him.
In other news, Lord-willing, Josh and I are planning a Date Night for tomorrow!!!!!!!! There aren't enough exclamation points to express how excited I am about this!!!!! More on that soon. For now, I'm just looking forward to it with every fiber of my being. :)


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