Are You Listening?

On Tuesday I got a haircut:

Several people have asked me if I like it, and I'm sure you're curious too, so I'll give you the standard answer I've been giving.

It's Fine.

And now, an observation: I must be a horrible communicator. No, really, something happens to me when I walk into a hair salon long-haired and wearing vulnerability like a sweater. My whole appearance is in the hand of the hairdresser, what's not to fear? :) And I cannot for the life of me accurately convey exactly what I want. Or what I don't want.

I bring pictures, sometimes several. I explain. I back-pedal. I talk with my hands. The hairdresser nods, restates what I just said, and takes me over to the sink. And then proceeds to do exactly what she wants with my hair!


Carrie said…
I feel the same way all the time I take pics with me try to explain...but I blame it on going to cheap fast places to get my hair cut. My sister Kristi just moved to Columbus and there is a Paul Mitchell salon training center right next to her house. the price was still good - $12 but it took 2 hours and was not what I asked for but I did love it. It's a layered bob with the front longer than the back.
I did think it looked similar to what you had another time and I think you pull it off great.
cj and family said…
For what it's worth, I think ths style's cute and it looks really cute on you! (And glad Josh is okay!)

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