365 Project; week 27

What a fun week!  The Lord allowed us to celebrate 3 birthdays (Brianne, Jen, and Titus), and to have Dave and Andrea (Josh's youngest brother and his wife) and their son Graham here for the long Independence Day weekend.

Jen's mom, Jen, and Brianne on Brianne's birthday

Brianne's birthday cake. What 5-year-old girl wouldn't want this cake?

Jen's birthday cake, made by Andrea.  What 31-year-old girl wouldn't want this cake? :)

The baby cousins Seth and Graham enjoying some play time.

Saturday evening we went to the beach for a photo shoot.  Seth loved the sand, and I do mean loved it!  Loved how it felt, tasted..everything.

See what I mean?  Several times Seth leaned over and planted his entire face in the sand, mouth open so he could enjoy it.

Dave and Graham

 Dave, Andrea, and Graham getting ready to leave.

Then it was back to work for Josh on Monday.  Here is a septic-system-redo at a tenant's house.  What a project!

And here are a very few of the beautiful photos Andrea took on her new camera.  I love these!

And not captured this week on camera (and kicking myself for missing): a church picnic on Independence Day, a terrific haircut and new highlights for me, a teen group from South Carolina here on a mission trip to help our church out, and more family time.  Praise the Lord for a great week!


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