My Favorite Time Of Day
I feel a little guilty admitting this.
This is what is so puzzling and guilt-provoking to me: That I can love my child fiercely, be willing to sacrifice for him, delight in his quirks (and he has them!), wish he would never grow up, love him more than I have loved any other child, and yet I have come to crave and relish Noah's Naptime more than any other time of the day.
There's a blissful quietness brimming with possibilitites all wrapped up in that one word, don't you think?. What will I do with Naptime today? Will I read a book? Take a shower? Read the mail? Blog? Mop the floor? Swab the toilets? De-clutter the house? Polish my toenails? Exercise? Plan the meals? Fold Mount Laundry? Make a phonecall? Empty the dishwasher? Read my Bible? Take a nap myself? Oh, I could go on and on...
Today, being that I'm a little under the weather with a cold and a UTI of all things, I decided to go for the Take A Nap Myself option. It. Was. Glorious. I rummaged through my winter clothes until I found my ginormous cozy faded pink bathrobe. I grabbed that, a couple pillows, a tissue, and a glass of water, and cozied up on the couch where I knew nothing else for about an hour. Moms don't really get sick days you know, so we take what we can get. An hour all by myself asleep on the couch was a rare treat today. Other days, I usually go for an activity that I Positively Cannot Get Done With A 3-Year-Old's help.
And the guilty part is that I treasure every second.
Don't you?
This is what is so puzzling and guilt-provoking to me: That I can love my child fiercely, be willing to sacrifice for him, delight in his quirks (and he has them!), wish he would never grow up, love him more than I have loved any other child, and yet I have come to crave and relish Noah's Naptime more than any other time of the day.
There's a blissful quietness brimming with possibilitites all wrapped up in that one word, don't you think?. What will I do with Naptime today? Will I read a book? Take a shower? Read the mail? Blog? Mop the floor? Swab the toilets? De-clutter the house? Polish my toenails? Exercise? Plan the meals? Fold Mount Laundry? Make a phonecall? Empty the dishwasher? Read my Bible? Take a nap myself? Oh, I could go on and on...
Today, being that I'm a little under the weather with a cold and a UTI of all things, I decided to go for the Take A Nap Myself option. It. Was. Glorious. I rummaged through my winter clothes until I found my ginormous cozy faded pink bathrobe. I grabbed that, a couple pillows, a tissue, and a glass of water, and cozied up on the couch where I knew nothing else for about an hour. Moms don't really get sick days you know, so we take what we can get. An hour all by myself asleep on the couch was a rare treat today. Other days, I usually go for an activity that I Positively Cannot Get Done With A 3-Year-Old's help.
And the guilty part is that I treasure every second.
Don't you?