Cherry Beach Ball Thing
I've been trying my hardest for the last day and a half to upload some videos and I can't do it. I'm going to keep trying, mainly because my Mom is lonely for some Noah videos and I don't want to let her down. And because I like Noah videos. They're great for days when you just want to chuck everything or cry and you need a reminder that your child can be a sweetheart. :) Everyone needs reminders like that, right?
In the meantime, while my computer struggles and strains to upload my gigantic-file videos (I think I can hear it groaning), I thought I'd relay in print something that Noah sang this morning. It's from the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. If you haven't seen this, it's a classic! Go out and borrow it from your library and hope that it's one of the 6 DVDs that the library owns that is actually in good working order.
Sidenote: Does anyone else have this problem? You borrow DVDs from the library because, well, because they're FREE, and then you get them home all excited to watch your free showing of whatever movie it is, only to find that the DVD is irreparably scratched and won't progress beyond the 3rd scene. Or worse, your DVD player spits it right back out, letting you know that the DVD is garbage. Anyone? Maybe it's just me that this happens to. Well, and Jen. I know it happens to her too...
ANYWAY!! Where was I?
So there's a song in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang about Truly Scrumptious. It's a cute song, really. We like to sing it among other cute showtunes.
Actual words: "Scrumptious as a cherry peach parfait..."
Noah's words: "Scrumptious as a cherry beach ball thing..."
I'm still laughing....
Thanks for sharing. :)