How To Hold A Gun (Stick)
"Mommy, you want to shoot my gun?" my little Noah asks me, holding out to me a stick. (Sidenote: why is everything a gun, a sword, or a slingshot to my 3-year-old? Please? Someone?)
"Okay", I say, not really knowing what I'm doing and not really into the whole we-must-shoot-everything-that-moves game. I do my best to hold the gun.
And, apparently I forgot to put on makeup and comb my hair that morning. That's what I'm thinking about. Hey, at least I brushed my teeth!
"No, Mommy, that's not how you hold it. Let me show you."
"See, this is how you hold it. Your left hand has to be up here and your right hand has to be here." Yes, folks, he really did say that! And correctly named his left and right hand! That's now what I was thinking about.
"See, and then you have to cock it like this."
"And then you shoot! BANG!" As if I didn't know what sound a gun makes. :)
"Here you go, Mommy. You try again."
Never, in all my life did I think my three-year-old boy would teach me how to shoot a gun (stick). You learn something new every day!
And still it fascinates me how God has hard-wired this into little boys. Noah spends most of his time with me, and I promise you I never once pretended something was a gun, so I know he didn't learn it from me! I think if you took apart his DNA, you'd find something in there about gun-shooting. And every other kind of shooting imaginable. He digs that kind of stuff.
Me? I ran back in the house to comb my hair and put on some makeup.
And, apparently I forgot to put on makeup and comb my hair that morning. That's what I'm thinking about. Hey, at least I brushed my teeth!
"No, Mommy, that's not how you hold it. Let me show you."
"See, this is how you hold it. Your left hand has to be up here and your right hand has to be here." Yes, folks, he really did say that! And correctly named his left and right hand! That's now what I was thinking about.
"See, and then you have to cock it like this."
"And then you shoot! BANG!" As if I didn't know what sound a gun makes. :)
"Here you go, Mommy. You try again."
And still it fascinates me how God has hard-wired this into little boys. Noah spends most of his time with me, and I promise you I never once pretended something was a gun, so I know he didn't learn it from me! I think if you took apart his DNA, you'd find something in there about gun-shooting. And every other kind of shooting imaginable. He digs that kind of stuff.
Me? I ran back in the house to comb my hair and put on some makeup.