Eleven Random Things (Okay, Twelve)

1. I have set out my Fall decorations, even though it is currently 91 degrees outside. Somewhere it looks and feels like Fall!

2. I borrowed Mary Poppins from the library the other day, and have been showing it to Noah here and there. It's too long a movie for his attention span of 4.8 minutes, but I'm enjoying it all over again.

3. My all-time favorite scene from Mary Poppins is "I love to laugh" with Uncle Albert up on the ceiling. Genius!

4. I have been exercising again!

5. I love exercising.

6. Just not at 6am.

7. Noah just woke up from his nap.

8. We've begun "C" week. Noah is soaking up every letter I fire at him.

9. This one's kind of gross: I found little bugs in my (sealed) sack of flour. I know!

10. Then I proceeded to take everything out of the cupboard and wash it all down with bleach water. After I threw out the flour of course.

11. My laundry for the week is all done. And folded. And put away. All in the same day!

12. What's new with you?


Ruth said…
Ah the days of only doing laundry once a week. That was true for me up until Ian's arrival. He spits up way too much to only do it once a week. And of course Nadia hasn't totally stopped having accidents yet (about one every two weeks now) so there's extra laundry when she wets the bed at night. You give me hope that some day I will be able to get back to doing it just once a day. :-) It might seem like a pain that Noah doesn't like to watch tv for too long but it's also a blessing as he's not as likely to watch too much (which is a very good thing!). nadia could watch tv for hours on end if I let her. I have to be vigilant about restricting how much she watches VeggieTales or the tv.
Carrie said…
I bought a bag of flour while we were in Jax opened a few days later and it had bugs. That year I had a lot of bugs in stuff, but I think they were in there when I bought them. Yuck!

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