Would You Believe...

That Noah is learning to ride a 2-wheeled bicycle WITHOUT training wheels?

Believe it!

Josh and I got him a little bike complete with training wheels for his 2nd birthday, which he LOVES. For the past couple of months I have noticed that he wasn't relying on the training wheels much anymore and was just curious if he could do without them. (We had attached the triaining wheels so that they didn't rest on the ground at all times if that makes sense.)

So yesterday we took Noah to the park, found an empty lot and took off the training wheels. He did remarkably well!! He needed a little push to get going initially, and then he was off and pedaling on his own! He rides like a champ. He's working on stopping, since that is when the bike is most tippy--we're trying to teach him to remember to put his foot down when he's ready to stop so the bike won't tip over. Other than that, this kid can ride a bike!

Guess who forgot to bring the camera?

Guess who is still kicking herself?

I promise I'll bring it the next time we practice!

Probably. :)


cj and family said…
WOW! Incredible! Greta job, Noah!
Ruth said…
Congrats, Noah!! It's amazing what some kids can do. I was shocked to see my 14 month old nephew using a scooter properly (one foot on the scooter and one on the ground) considering he barely walks yet, LOL!
Joanna said…
Ruth, you better watch out--That nephew of yours might be riding a bike at 2 years old too!! (Noah rode a scooter at 18 months as well) I agree it is amazing what kids are able to do.

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