Life Lessons From Cookie Batter
When I was 5 years old, I wasn't much different from the person I am now; I cried easily, I smiled a lot, and I loved chocolate. :) See? Not much has changed.
One particular time, my craving for chocolate was so intense that I began scouring the kitchen for anything chocolate-esque. The first thing I came to was a canister of baking cocoa. Sweet! Or so I thought... Thinking I had stumbled upon a veritable chocolate goldmine, I grabbed the biggest spoon I could find and dug in. I didn't hold back. I enthusiastically shoveled that scoop of cocoa into my mouth.
Words fail me to describe my (literally) bitter disappointment. The coughing and gagging that ensued were not pretty. And I've never ever been tempted to eat baking cocoa again. Ever. *shudders*
Fast forward to today:
Noah, in all his Bad Cold Glory, hasn't been himself so we've been doing a lot of hanging out together and baking. Today he wanted to make chocolate cookies (a little man after my own heart!). We were mixing up the dough, and it came time to add the baking cocoa. Breaking out into a cold sweat at my childhood flashback, I felt it appropriate and kind of me to warn my little boy about the disgusting-ness of baking cocoa if eaten by itself.
Me: "Noah, this is baking cocoa. I know it looks yummy like chocolate, but it's not. It's VERY yucky. Never eat this by itself!"
Noah: "Because it's yucky all by itself, but in the cookies it's yummy!"
This boy caught on! :) And that got me to thinking about spiritual things. This next thought is nothing new, and may even be an old cliche revisited, but it's still a good reminder:
God adds a lot of different ingredients to our lives. Some are "yucky" by themselves, and some (like butter) are simply divine. Added together, they make something which is so much more than the sum of its parts--our lives. As Job said, "Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?" Job 2:10 There are some things in my life which taste as bitter as baking cocoa to me; my infertility, for one. There are others which are as rich and smooth and delicious as butter; my relationship with God, my family, good health, to name a few. Together they become the exact recipe God intends for my life specifically. And God has never made a mistake!
All that from baking cocoa! :)
What's in your recipe today?

You're an amazing writer! You should go on the radio with that devotional! It sounds like an Elizabeth George or Joni Erickson Tada devotional! :) I loved it. What a great concept, and so interestingly delivered.
Enjoy your cookies!