No Pictures Today

I'll be honest. I tend to think if I don't have pictures or a video to post, I don't have anything worth blogging about. That in the absence of pictures, there must be an absence of interest in my blog.


I'm failing to remember that this blog was created for me. ME! And I'm comfortable enough with myself that I don't always have to have a snazzy picture to dress things up to make a post. So here I go; pictureless, but fabulous nonetheless.

And I'm humble too! :)

I need to mention that I found out yesterday that my niece Rachel is expecting a baby!! (I'm assuming I can share this, since she posted the news on facebook, so it's fair game, right? Isn't that the rule?) And I went through all the same feelings I normally do. Ecstatic joy for her, and a moment where I almost couldn't breathe for me. Rachel and I grew up together. We got each other. We were going to be those old ladies who sit on the front porch in their rocking chairs and finish each other's sentences even though they can't hear what the other one is saying. I'm still game for that, are you, Rach? Anyway, I couldn't be happier for her after she married the PERFECT man for her last year to be adding to their family. Congratulations!

Also this week, I got new glasses (yay for no cracked lenses!) AND contacts!!! Way to join adulthood! As I'm sure most of you are aware, it is So Much Better to be able to see everything all the time, minus the frame.

Today is the most beautiful day. I went out to enjoy our newfound Spring weather, and am looking forward to more of the same! The trouble with beautiful weather, I've found, is that I get a serious itch to go shopping. Out with the old, in with the new I say! I bought all (I think?) of what Noah will need for spring/summer clothes at a consignment shop yesterday, as well as a couple things for me. And I got out the flip-flops that I bought in February when I was naive enough to think that warm weather was just around the corner.

I've been enjoying our church's Bible study through the book of Job. The Lord knew I would need all the reminders and things we've been learning. That God is ALWAYS in control, no matter how things may seem. That I may never know the reason for my trials, but that I can know God and rest in Him when life is hard. That God loves me. That God is good. That God is always just. That I can talk to Him! All these precious truths I have needed so desperately these last months. If you think of it, please pray for us that the Lord would give wisdom, but also that the Lord would give me lasting comfort. I am starting to think that God's will may not include any more children for us. I'm grieving that, and trying to find joy and gladness in Him and what He's already given.

Noah has been especially endearing to me lately. "I love you, Mommy" have got to be the most beautiful words on the planet! And just the exuberance of being two years old! I have loved watching Noah at each age of his life and seeing what a little character he is turning out to be. I praise the Lord for him!

I'm also thankful for my husband. It's such fun being married to your best friend. I can't imagine when people used to marry for convenience to aid a political agenda or because their parents chose their spouse. It's a blessing to be married to one who fits like a glove.


I should probably end this, since I have been sitting here so long. The beautiful day is calling me!


Ruth said…
Although pictures and videos are nice, I personally don't think a post HAS to have one. I have no idea what God's will is for you guys - another biological child or adoption or if Noah will be your only child, but anything is possible with God. I didn't even get married until I was 29, and didn't become a Mommy until I was 36. So since you're "only" 29, I think there's still time for another child, but maybe that's not God's will for you...
Anonymous said…
Thank you, Jo! Your excitement for us means a great deal! And yes, I am still game:)

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