Springtime, Etc
I *think* it's safe to say that Spring has come? Who knows, maybe we still have a frost or two left, but I surely hope not! The last week or so we've stayed solidly in the 60's, with a couple of days around the 70-degree mark, which in my opinion is why people move to Florida in the first place!
Take a look at one of my favorite sights: a vivid spring-green tree next to about as blue a sky as you can find.
Switching subjects, I took a video of Noah the other day demonstrating a new skill--the fine motor skill of being able to control how many fingers you are holding up. Is there a more concise way of saying that? He's been working on holding up 2 fingers (which comes in very handy when someone asks how old he is. Now he doesn't just get to SAY "2", he can show them!), and the other day he was so proud of himself that he could successfully do 1-5. I love watching Noah learn new things, and to me part of the cuteness of this video is watching the gears turn in his little mind. Watch it closely, and I think you'll see what I mean. :)
Last night Noah took a tumble down the stairs and landed on his head. Did you ever see a cartoon where a bump immediately surfaces after Tom the Cat, for example, gets hit on the head? Yeah, that happened. Almost as soon as I picked him up and asked him where it hurt, I could see an actual bump surfacing on his head. Poor guy. He didn't want any ice, so we had to settle for a cookie. To eat, not to put on the bump. Thankfully today the bump has gone down and there's just a bruise left on his forehead. Resiliency is a beautiful thing!
I hope you're having a great day wherever you are!
Take a look at one of my favorite sights: a vivid spring-green tree next to about as blue a sky as you can find.
Switching subjects, I took a video of Noah the other day demonstrating a new skill--the fine motor skill of being able to control how many fingers you are holding up. Is there a more concise way of saying that? He's been working on holding up 2 fingers (which comes in very handy when someone asks how old he is. Now he doesn't just get to SAY "2", he can show them!), and the other day he was so proud of himself that he could successfully do 1-5. I love watching Noah learn new things, and to me part of the cuteness of this video is watching the gears turn in his little mind. Watch it closely, and I think you'll see what I mean. :)
Last night Noah took a tumble down the stairs and landed on his head. Did you ever see a cartoon where a bump immediately surfaces after Tom the Cat, for example, gets hit on the head? Yeah, that happened. Almost as soon as I picked him up and asked him where it hurt, I could see an actual bump surfacing on his head. Poor guy. He didn't want any ice, so we had to settle for a cookie. To eat, not to put on the bump. Thankfully today the bump has gone down and there's just a bruise left on his forehead. Resiliency is a beautiful thing!
I hope you're having a great day wherever you are!