Washington D.C. and Amy's Wedding
We're back from our whirlwind trip to Virginia! We had such a great time sightseeing on Friday morning, and then at my niece Amy's wedding we got to see my family which is always nice.
The car trip to D. C. was remarkably uneventful. Praise the Lord our car ran well and we didn't get stuck in any traffic. Noah was a peach! I had brought a bunch of toys and a portable dvd player, and between these things, a nap, and the Patch The Pirate cds we listened to, he was really well-behaved! The last hour of the trip was rough on all of us, since we were eager to Get There, and it had been a longer trip than expected. MapQuest had estimated the travel time to be 10 hours, but we didn't realize that was assuming the car wouldn't run out of gas, and the passengers would never need food or to use the bathroom. PAH! So just like that the 10 hour trip became a 12-hour one. :)
The weather was BEAUTIFUL! It rained most of the time we were there (including Amy's wedding day!), but it definitely felt like Fall, which is what I was hoping for. Jacksonville still thinks it's Summer, so it was nice to see some evidence of a change in seasons. I was cold the whole time we were there, and it was a great reminder to me why we don't live up North! I loved my little taste of Fall, and now I'm happy to be back for a bit more summer.
I think the rest of the trip is best summed up with pictures!
We were surprised at how congested the traffic is trying to get anywhere in the city. Looks like the Metro is the way to go--they were beating us!
Our family in front of the Iwo Jima Memorial (or Monument? I can never keep those two words straight).
Josh and Noah with the same memorial. The Washington Monument is in the background. You'll have to excuse the poor lighting; as I already mentioned it was VERY overcast/rainy that day, so I was having a hard time with photos.
Here we were, about to see the Monument up close, and Noah wanted to play in the "sprinklers." I think the sights were wasted on him!
My honeybear and me in front of the Washington Monument.
Confession: I had to have Josh take this picture. I could not stand at the base of this Monument and look up at it. I simply could not do it without risking falling over. It turns out I experience a lot of vertigo in the presence of hugely-scaled objects. I desperately wanted to look up at it from the base, but everytime I tried I almost fell over. And now you can stop laughing at me! :)
The Lincoln Memorial.
Wouldn't you know this girl had to get in my picture as I was snapping it. It's funny; when I imagine sightseeing and visiting famous places, I never picture tons of people there. Probably because in those Coffee Table Books people have, the photos are always glossy and decidedly Tourist-Free. But in real life? There are tourists, and lots of them. So here is a photo of a statue of Abraham Lincoln. And some girl I don't know. I should have asked her name. :)
The view Mr. Lincoln's Statue has looking out from the Lincoln Memorial. It really is a pretty veiw. Josh and Noah add a cute element.
The car trip to D. C. was remarkably uneventful. Praise the Lord our car ran well and we didn't get stuck in any traffic. Noah was a peach! I had brought a bunch of toys and a portable dvd player, and between these things, a nap, and the Patch The Pirate cds we listened to, he was really well-behaved! The last hour of the trip was rough on all of us, since we were eager to Get There, and it had been a longer trip than expected. MapQuest had estimated the travel time to be 10 hours, but we didn't realize that was assuming the car wouldn't run out of gas, and the passengers would never need food or to use the bathroom. PAH! So just like that the 10 hour trip became a 12-hour one. :)
The weather was BEAUTIFUL! It rained most of the time we were there (including Amy's wedding day!), but it definitely felt like Fall, which is what I was hoping for. Jacksonville still thinks it's Summer, so it was nice to see some evidence of a change in seasons. I was cold the whole time we were there, and it was a great reminder to me why we don't live up North! I loved my little taste of Fall, and now I'm happy to be back for a bit more summer.
I think the rest of the trip is best summed up with pictures!
