How's Your Attitude?

This is just a reminder to myself that what I feed into my mind has a very direct influence on my attitude. For example, if while I'm cleaning my house I will listen to uplifting, Christ-centered music, I find that my whole outlook changes as I dwell on God. My disposition changes, and I can pray and praise the Lord while I mop the floor or declutter my house instead of think mindless thoughts that go nowhere.

This was a pretty "no-duh" type of post, but I need reminders like these every so often! How's YOUR attitude? Need adjusting? Put on some hymns or choirs singing to the Lord and see if that doesn't help reset your inner gyroscope!

This has been a public service announcement. :)


God has been working on the same thing in me. Dad used to say the only thing you can control is your attitude, but man is it the hardest!

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