Bike Riding
Believe it or not, the weather has been cooling off here. "Cooling" being highs in the 80's with a breeze instead of the 90's with no breeze. So we're still pretty warm, but at least in the evenings it turns nice. Fall is coming!
I took Noah to the park last week with his bike while we were waiting for Josh to come home and I got a short video of him riding it. About half the time Noah still needs a little help to get going initially, but after that he can do it himself. By the way, that's HUGE these days--doing things "all by myself." I must hear that phrase 50 times a day! Sometimes it's fine, such as when he's riding his bike or getting into the car. But when he wants to break an egg into a hot pan or cut up a pear or squeeze shampoo out of the bottle I usually take over. Noah, trust me; you'll thank me later that I didn't let you do everything all by yourself! :)