My Deal for the Day
Ahhh, the world of Couponing. Say hello to that blissful feeling you get when you know you exited a store with a deal. ;) Jen and I have been slowly embarking on this strange and wonderful new voyage, also known as Operation Cut Your Grocery Bills. Jen has been at it a little bit longer than I have, and we both feel like we're just starting to get the hang of it. You definitely have to change your mindset about buying groceries. Instead of buying what I need for this week, I am learning to stockpile groceries based on sales and stocking up on what I will need later . This way you save money by not having to pay full price for something because you need it now and have no choice but to buy it at whatever price it happens to be listed at. Perhaps someday I will be able to post a picture of a week's worth of groceries and be able to exclaim in the caption, "And I got all this for $22.97!" or some other equally unbelievable price. Believe me, there are people out there wh...