Christmas Cantata and Saying Goodbye

What if Jesus had not come? This was the question our church Christmas Cantata posed last night. It was really good and thought-provoking too. Do I live my Christian life as if He hadn't come? If I'm not actively sharing my faith, then yes I am. I'm ignoring the fact that Christ came to this earth and died for our sins by not sharing this with other people. What a thought! Yikes. What a reminder that people need the Lord. Dr. Bob used to say "The most sobering reality in the world today is that people are dying and going to hell today." Living life in light of that fact really changes priorities around, doesn't it?
After the Cantata the church had a goodbye party for the Bennetts. I still can't quite grasp that they are leaving, but Wednesday morning will likely be the last time I see them for a long time. They're taking us to the airport Wed morning, so we'll have that last opportunity to really say goodbye.
Between now and Wednesday I have a lot to get done. I have to pack us all up for 2 weeks in 2 suitcases! How we will manage to fit all our stuff I do not know. :) What I do know is that the weather report is saying we should be leaving Jacksonville on a 78 degree sunny day and end up in East Hartford, CT in a 35 degree "wintry mix" day. Yay. We're praying this "wintry mix" doesn't wreak havoc on our flights and we'd appreciate any of your prayers for the same thing!