
I have officially lost count of how many words Noah can say, since he is into repeating many of the words in our conversations, and it has now become impossible to keep tabs on what he can repeat. We've heard him say tomato, uncle, vehicle (no kidding!), nut, half, and other random words that he feels like giving a try. If you ask him, "Are you a nut?" He'll answer with no hesitation, "Nut!" It's quite humorous.

Hands down though, the funniest word in my opinion is his word for Stinky. Are you ready? It's "Geeky". Sometimes I have to ask Noah if he's Stinky (as in, "do I need to change your diaper?"), and he pipes up with "Geeky!" Occasionally he'll even pinch his nose as he says it. Priceless, I tell you!

We're beginning to work on the idea of potty training. He knows when he's geeky (see? Doesn't it make you smile?), and he knows when he's going pee-pee (did I just type that?). Now the big battle is getting him to recognize how he feels before these things happen, and take care of it.

Fun times ahead!!


Natasha said…
Wait until you start saying things like, "I have to go potty" when you're out with friends... then you'll know you have joined the club of moms-potty-training-their-kids :) Good luck!

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