Tattletale....on HIMSELF!!!

You know no one likes a tattletale, but how about when the guilty party IS the tattletale? For the past week or so, when Noah misbehaves he comes to me with whatever he wasn't supposed to touch (lately the balls on the Christmas tree) in his hand and saying very seriously "NOooooo". It sounds uncannily (is that a word?) like myself when I'm reprimanding him. Down to the vocal inflection. Eerie.

But anyway, my POINT is, when is he going to figure out that tattling on himself still gets him in trouble? I'm not going to be the one to tell him! :)


Ruth said…
One of my nieces used to do the same thing. Actually she would say it BEFORE she actually touched the thing she wasn't supposed to touch. I forget what she said - maybe "no touch" or "pretty" or something like that but like you said she said it in the tone of voice her parents used and it was a great "alarm" as they'd come as they knew she was about to do something she wasn't supposed to, LOL!

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