Tomorrow's the day

We're all packed. Garbage has been taken out. Refrigerator cleaned. The only thing left to do is go to bed! :) Our flight leaves at 10:40am tomorrow morning, and we're praying for good weather. It seems it's been rather nasty up in New England lately!

Matt and Jen arrived this evening about 8:30. Josh is over there as I type this helping them move in (along with 2 other guys). It was so good to see them!! I'm excited to have them here in Jacksonville, and looking forward to what God has in store for us all.

The other noteworthy event of the day (and by no means related to the other two events): NOAH WENT STINKY ON THE POTTY!!! Can I get an "Amen"? :) Without getting into the nitty gritty details, let's just say I was one proud mama this morning! I in no way consider this success to mean that potty training will be a snap. In fact, after that one brief shining moment, Noah proceeded to go twice more in his diaper throughout the rest of the day. Oh well. But there's hope, there's definitely hope!!

Take care everyone! I'll try to keep blogging on vacation.


Ruth said…
Wow that's really amazing for a 17 month old boy! There are some girls who are potty trained prior to 2 years old, but that's REALLY rare for boys. There are quite a few boys who aren't potty trained until closer to 3 years old.

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