Truth Baptist Church's New Building
This past week on Nov 6 (Election Day!) our church closed on the purchase of a property, to be used as our future meeting place! This was many months in the coming, and many prayers later. There were times we were confused as to how the Lord was working, and then times of little miracles and unmistakable answers to prayer. We rejoice in the Lord's debt-free provision of a larger, more-classroomed building (spell checker is telling me "classroomed" is not a word. Oh well.) and can't wait to get moved over there! But first there are quite a few renovations to be made to turn this office strip building into a functioning church. We're excited to work on this and see the progress!
I'm sure there will be more progress and photos to come over the months. We are SO excited that the Lord has answered our prayers in the ways He has!!
Front of building. There are 3 office units side-by-side. The plan is to work on the far left one first (which will eventually be a fellowship hall), and then begin meeting there while work on the other 2 units takes place.
Pastor Matt working on the duct system and air handler
Josh checking out some electrical thing in a bathroom
Far left unit, looking out the front to the parking lot. There is currently old carpet glue adhered to the floor, and one of our first projects is to remove this glue. See next photo...
Three of our guys hard at work scraping glue off the floor. Not very glamorous work, but very needed and appreciated!!
Even Noah was working hard and staying on task.
I'm sure there will be more progress and photos to come over the months. We are SO excited that the Lord has answered our prayers in the ways He has!!